Athivaradar, Halley’s Comet, Mark Twain and I
April 1986 was the last time Halley’s comet crossed somewhere close to the earth. A once in 75 years astronomical phenomenon zipped the Milkyway just before I was born. Do not confuse this with JC’s incarnation. I was born in a hospital, unsung.
So, I share this coincidence with Mark Twain’s, who was born when the Comet appeared and died when it re-appeared. He even predicted this beforehand. ’ I came in with Halley’s Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it’ were his words. Strange. Going by the trend, that’s the long-shot I’m taking on my life expectancy. However, this phenomenon of ‘once-in-few-decades’ is something that couldn’t get away from human fantasy. Maybe what stares at us is the fact that instances such these will not happen again in one’s lifetime.
The recent eye-catcher is, Athivaradar, a deity of Lord Vishnu, taken out of a pond in Kanchipuram Temple for once in 40 years and sent back after 48 days. However forty years is relatively shorter time compared to Halley’s appearance of once in seventy-five, it has become a sensation across the country (at least in Tamil Nadu) with bustling scores of people almost 10 million worshipped him in this 48 days, which includes Chief Ministers, film stars and businessmen. Donations flooded in crores of rupees.
My point here is, Halley’s Comet deserves some respect. The scientific world should be considerate and understand that phenomenon like us are a rare and once-in-lifetime thing. All that, April born of 1986 seek is a recognition while we are alive. Do some PR for god’s sake. As the saying goes, ‘(we) Shine like a diamond in the sky’. We live by it. Support us with some considerable economic benefits and sanctions. We are only left with another 42 years in our cosmic cycle before we are born again with premonitions.
#HalleysComet #Athivaradar # MarkTwain